Ubicación:Chamisero, Colina, Santiago.
Superficie Terreno: 53.000 M2
Superficie Construida: 7000 m2
Equipo de Diseño: Felipe Combeau, Pablo Alfaro, Diego Labbé, Eduardo Ruiz.
Año Proyecto: 2011
The project aims to integrate and enhance the diversity of the educational program and its relationship to the geographical context, through a topographic and topological overlap between the horizontal display of the program (buildings) and the modified topography.
Landscape: foundation, interiority and topography
Because of the foundational nature of the project, the only possible relationship that can be established with definition is with the landscape. The project is located in suburban context whose formal future is uncertain. For this reason, the project is conceived as a condenser of distant views, setting an interiority related to the geographic context. The particular difficulties of the triangular plot with 5% grade are an opportunity to transform topography into a key feature of the project.
Program: Learning Landscape
A school, unlike other architectural programs involves a variety of situations both biographical and spatial. 15 years of a child is affected by daily different spatial experiences; the classroom, corridors, playgrounds, sport courts, the main access, the kiosk, casino, library, theater, etc. The architectural proposal for this school should enhance the diversity of coexisting social situations by overlapping formal study areas with collective informal and recreational areas, through a complex topological and topographically display, in order to create spatial richness and diversity.